Order Cancellation
You may self-cancel your CityGear.com order by selecting the “Cancel My Order” button below. To cancel your order, please have your order number, order email and billing ZIP code readily available.
Most orders can be canceled within one hour of order placement. If you are unable to cancel your order, please do not contact customer service, as they can only cancel orders within one hour of placement as well. If you are unable to cancel your order and are having it shipped to your home, you can return it for free to your local City Gear store or by mail (Standard Ground) for up to 60 days after delivery. Please refer to the City Gear Returns Policy for more information. In-Store Pickup orders cannot be canceled, but they can be returned for full credit while you are at the store for pickup. When you place an order, an authorization hold is placed on your debit or credit card. Canceling your order will not remove the authorization hold. Authorization holds may take up to 30 days to be removed, though most will be released within 3-5 business days. City Gear Customer Support is unable to remove authorization holds; this is determined by your financial institution. Awards redeemed on canceled orders will be reissued to customers after the cancellation has been processed. Awards will be reissued within 24 to 48 hours.
One of the most common reasons for order cancellations is mismatched billing information.
Prior to checkout, be sure to double-check that your billing information exactly matches the card being used to make your purchase.
Prior to checkout, be sure to double-check that your billing information exactly matches the card being used to make your purchase.
While we strive for accuracy, inventory information may contain errors in relation to product availability, which occasionally results in orders being canceled due to insufficient, or lack of, inventory.
If your order or item was canceled, you will not be charged.
A payment authorization hold for the entire order amount is placed on your account immediately after your order is submitted to verify the availability of the funds. The order charge is then placed on your account only if your order ships.
If payment was authorized with a debit/check card, your statement may reflect the charges. In that case, funds will be released by your financial institution usually between 3 to 5 days, but could take up to 30 days. Credit card purchasers will still see a payment authorization hold on their credit card for up to 30 days. This hold will be automatically removed after that time period. If you have any issues, please contact your bank.
If you used a Gift Card or Digital Gift Card to pay for your order, you will receive a new Digital Gift Card. You will receive an email containing a new code within 2 business days.
A payment authorization hold for the entire order amount is placed on your account immediately after your order is submitted to verify the availability of the funds. The order charge is then placed on your account only if your order ships.
If payment was authorized with a debit/check card, your statement may reflect the charges. In that case, funds will be released by your financial institution usually between 3 to 5 days, but could take up to 30 days. Credit card purchasers will still see a payment authorization hold on their credit card for up to 30 days. This hold will be automatically removed after that time period. If you have any issues, please contact your bank.
If you used a Gift Card or Digital Gift Card to pay for your order, you will receive a new Digital Gift Card. You will receive an email containing a new code within 2 business days.
Awards redeemed on canceled orders will be reissued to customers after the cancellation has been processed. Awards will be reissued within 24 to 48 hours.